
Lego Walker using Lawsin Linkage

The Lawsin Linkage:  Lawsin Linkage Simulation The Lawsin Linkage , sometimes called the Bowtie Truss,  is a double cantilever truss system with connecting elements (links) forming triangular frames. The structure, which forms like a bow-tie or a double inverted king posts, was developed by Joey Lawsin in 1988 to simulate the walking cadence of  his biotronics animals. The linkage was designed to meet the following criteria: 1. It must carry out a walking cadence fluidly like an actual living animal's gait. 2. It can conquer any type of terrain obstacles from carpet floors to seabeds. 3. It can move in different directions with various range of actuated motion or R.O.A.M. 4. Its structure elements must be guided by natural mathematics, eg. geometry. 5. It can be integrated with the arduino platform for virtual consciousness programming. The linkage is consisted of two equilateral triangles that are connected in a common pivot axis known a pin joint. T...

Basic Lego Walker


Lego Walker controlled by android app via Bluetooth

This is a Lego robot with a geared Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48 5V with ULN2003 driver board which is controlled by a Bluetooth using an android app that the author has developed. /*  Stepper Motor controlled by android app via bluetooth  This sketch controls a geared stepper motor wirelessly using a phone  The motor will revolve one revolution forward when green button is pressed.  The motor will revolve one revolution backward when red button is pressed.  The motor is attached to digital pins 8 - 11.  An indicator red led is attached to pin 13. */ #include <SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial BTserial(2,3); int i=0; int m=4 void setup() {                 pinMode(8, OUTPUT);   pinMode(9, OUTPUT);   pinMode(10, OUTPUT);   pinMode(11, OUTPUT);   pinMode(13, OUTPUT);  } void loop(){ if (BTserial.available())

Lego Walker controlled by a TV remote controller

This is a Lego robot with a geared Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48 5V with ULN2003 driver board which is controlled by a television remote control. /*  Stepper Motor controlled by arduino and tv remote controller  This sketch controls a geared stepper motor wirelessly using tv remote control  The motor will revolve one revolution forward when left arrow is pressed.  The motor will revolve one revolution backward when right arrow is pressed.  The motor is attached to digital pins 8 - 11.  An indicator red led is attached to pin 13.  An indicator blue led is attached to pin 7.  An infrared receiver (IR) is attached on pin 6. */ #include <IRremote.h> #include <Stepper.h> int Pin0 = 8; int Pin1 = 9; int Pin2 = 10; int Pin3 = 11; int IR_PIN = 6; int redLed = 13;  int bluLed = 7;                    int i=0; int m=4;...

Lego Walker stepper motor with Arduino

Geared Stepper Motor 28BYJ-48  5V  with  ULN2003 driver board /*  Stepper Motor Test  This sketch test a geared stepper motor.  The motor will revolve one revolution forward then backward.  The motor is attached to digital pins 8 - 11.  */ int i=0; int m=4 void setup() {                 pinMode(8, OUTPUT);   pinMode(9, OUTPUT);   pinMode(10, OUTPUT);   pinMode(11, OUTPUT); } void loop() {       for(i=0;i<512;i++)      {       forward();       }        delay(1000);                    for(i=0;i<512;i++)      {       backward();       }        delay(1000);...

Basic Raspberry PI Projects

How to blink an LED using Raspberry Pi and the Python Software? 1. Gather all electronics materials and make the led-resistor circuit first.     Connection: Pin 18 > Led > Resistor > Ground. 2. Open the Raspbian icon menu, select programming and choose Python Idle 3. Once python is open, click File > New File 4. Copy and paste the code (to turn on/off led): import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup(18,GPIO.OUT) #print "Led ON" GPIO.output(18,GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(10) #print "Led OFF" GPIO.output(18,GPIO.LOW) 5. OR, copy and paste this code (to blink the led): import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup(18,GPIO.OUT) while True:  GPIO.output(18, True)      # Turn on pin 18  time.sleep(1)                    # Delay  GPIO.output(18, False) ...